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February 02, 2020 1 min read

Purim Throwback

As a child, my siblings and I created our own Purim costumes. We made a robot costume out of a cardboard box, a lion costume out of an old broom raggedy broom and bride costume out of old Shabbos dresses. My brothers would traditionally dress up as their favorite sports players in their sports jerseys.

One thing was always, always the same: a black velvet yarmulke. 

What does a black velvet have to do with sports or robotics? Not much.

Fast Forward to 2020

Now all of my family's Purim costumes come from one place: (familiar much?). I know, I know. Where did all of my creativity go? Possibly down the drain when I did the dishes or in a pothole on the way to carpool. I'll find it again some day. 

I have one way to add a little something special to all of those kind of generic costumes: iKIPPAHS!

Add something a little extra to your Purim getup

For the Purim Enthusiast:

For the Quarterback: 

For Woody:

Which yarmulkes have you topped off your costumes with? We want to hear from YOU! Let us know in the comments section below.