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January 26, 2020 1 min read

Keep on that kippah and play ball!

My boys love sports. All sports. Sports on their linen, sports on the pajamas and sports posters around their rooms. 

They ran into a problem. A BIG LEAGUE problem. Their kippot were falling off as they were running to home base.

I knew that our kippot needed to top off their slam dunks. How was I going to create kippot that would hug their yiddeshe kups?

My partner and I diligently worked with our design team to create a dome and flat shape that mimics the shape of the head with slit for a clip for extra support:

Check out the clip slit on the left and fabulous, fabulous round shape. 

Now when my sons play ball, they can worry about grand slams and not holding their hands on their heads!

Dribbling Drills